Playoff Grind Continues for Tyke A Gryphons, News, Tyke A, 2016-2017, U14 (Guelph Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2016-2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 30, 2017 | Mike Rossit | 467 views
Playoff Grind Continues for Tyke A Gryphons
The Tyke A Gryphons continued their playoff schedule with two games this past week.

On Tuesday, the Gryphons played the Oakville Rangers.  Guelph was missing their usually strong work ethic and team play on this day as they dropped a 4 – 0 decision to the Rangers.

On Saturday, the Gryphons arrived at the rink ready to redeem themselves in a tilt against the Niagara Falls Flyers. In a game that was an extremely tight-checking affair, the Gryphons battled to a 1 – 1 draw. Nicco S provided the lone Gryphon goal as well as some strong two-way play while Tyson MB and Finn P turned in another gem in the Gryphon net. Other solid Gryphon performances included Auguste T, Gage T, Ryan M and Evan P who were also reliable at both ends of the ice.

The week’s results give the Gryphons a 4 -1 -1 playoff record, good enough for a tie for first place in Tri-County’s Tyke 1 loop.

The Tyke A Gryphons get back at it this weekend.  On Saturday, Guelph heads to St. Catherine’s to take on the Garden City Falcons. On Sunday, Guelph hosts Niagara Falls.